
Welcome to ARGM!

ARGM stands for African Renaissance Grassroot Movement

‘I am not African because I was born in Africa, but because Africa was born in me’ (Pres, Kwame Nkrumah,Ghana)


Continental resources primarily for people of African descent to eliminate poverty, to promote peace and foster unity for a better Africa.

ARGM’s vision for Africa is the realization of our potential as One Continent and One People, masters of our own destiny and natural resources to be used first, and foremost to benefit our Continent by eliminating poverty and hunger, creating sustainable peace, fostering greater unity and equity. Future generations of Africans, deserve a legacy where every State in Africa is a stakeholder and beneficiary of a thriving Continental economy, where our educated professionals and youth choose to stay instead of being forced to leave for economic or political reasons. An African Continent where the unique, diversity of cultures, languages, faiths and traditions is a source of Continental pride, ultimately binding together Africans, Africans in the diaspora and our brothers and sisters with African roots in the spirit of Pan-Africanism/‘Ubuntu’; ‘I am because We Are’, ‘I am what I am because of who we all are’.


To inspire and nurture the human spirit of “Ubuntu” Pan Africanism, one Africa, peace and economic prosperity.


  • Advocate for the peaceful coexistence of people of African descent.
  • Advocate for a borderless Africa and transformation of the economic landscape of all communities and countries of persons of African descent.
  • The emancipation of all persons of African descent from limiting perceptions of our identity as an African people.


*SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-specific*

Aim 1: Peaceful Co-existence

  • Hold one open discussion per month open on a public platform for open participation.
  • Each member should actively participate virtually or in real-life in political movements quarterly e.g. attend protests, sign petitions etc.
  • Each ARGM Working Group to organize one advocacy engagement (e.g. public seminar, workshops) yearly, in collaboration with other organizations / institutions to raise awareness of their dedicated group focus. E.g. The Legal Working Group holds a seminar on the legal battles African countries need to overcome.
  • Share updates of Pan-African conferences, events, activities on the continent and around the world.

Aim 2: Borderless Africa & Economic Landscape

  • Advocate and accelerate the economic transformation of Africa by 2030 as per the African Union Agenda of 2063 . In order to achieve this the following have to be addressed:
  • Advocate for permit of dual citizenship for people of African descent living in diaspora who wish to hold dual citizenship.
  • Advocate for free travel movement and less-restrictive work migration among African countries for holders of African passports.
  • Explore secondary research of singular currency for Africa: FIAT or Digital Currency.
  • Encourage / inspire investments in African-owned businesses.
  • Inspire tourism among African countries. Explore group travel options for members of ARGM to travel together.
  • Encourage people to travel to other African countries outside their own, in the spirit of Pan-Africanism (Ubuntu).

Aim 3: Emancipation of Limiting Perceptions

  • Stimulate primary and secondary research materials e.g. Healthcare, Technology and Innovation etc.
  • Disseminate factual information and knowledge to educate and sensitize people home and abroad about our history, languages and culture by curating media platforms affiliated to the ARGM by the end of Q1 2023, starting with a website.
  • Examples of knowledge shared can be through easy facts / bite-size nuggets on topics such as…
    • E.g. no. of countries, history, population, popular languages etc.
    • Historical achievements of notable African people e.g. inventions or world acknowledged prizes (e.g. nobel Peace Prize, Literature awards…)


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